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Graham Rossini Breaks Down ASU’s Move To The Big 12, NIL And Elevating The Sun Devil Brand

Anthony Totri Avatar
June 12, 2024

The ASU Sun Devils finally have an athletic director in Graham Rossini. The longtime Sun Devil is hoping to make waves in NIL and getting Arizona State to the top of college athletics. How can Rossini elevate ASU? What are the new challenges Rossini faces with Arizona State heading to the Big 12? The new ASU athletic director joins the guys in studio to discuss it all. Join Anthony Totri, Shane Dieffenbach, Erik Ruby and Graham Rossini as the guys discuss the state of ASU on the PHNX Sun Devils show!

0:00 Intro

1:30 New ASU Athletic Director Graham Rossini joins the show!

3:50 Getting to know Graham

10:40 What ASU means to Graham

15:10 What would current Graham say to Sun Devil Baseball player Graham

22:10 What is the Athletic Department most looking forward to

25:20 Where does ASU stand in the NIL landscape?

35:10 Dilly is the real deal

37:20 Inside the mind of Bobby Hurley

39:45 Relationship with President Michael Crow

43:35 Rapid Fire questions

47:30 Snake Draft – Innovations

1:02:25 Graham’s message to Sun Devil Nation


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