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The CRUCIAL Key To Revive ASU Women’s Sports

Anthony Totri Avatar
June 19, 2024

The ASU Sun Devils have a long history of success in softball and women’s basketball. However, over the last few seasons Megan Bartlett and Sun Devil softball has struggled in the Pac-12. The same problems have hindered Natasha Adair and Arizona State women’s basketball. What can the athletic department do to help revive those programs? How can Bartlett and Adair get their teams back to winning in the Big 12? Join Anthony Totri and Erik Ruby as the guys break it all down and more on the PHNX Sun Devils show!

0:00 Intro

1:50 What needs to happen for ASU women’s sports to return to national prominence?

20:10 Can ASU Women’s Basketball compete with the blue bloods?

28:00 TCU’s new football jerseys are a clear downgrade

32:05 Favorite ASU Jersey Combos

37:15 Snake Draft Time – Heist Team Members


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