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Timberwolves and Mavericks are Two Reasons The Phoenix Suns Aren’t ‘Screwed’

Espo Avatar
May 20, 2024
Phoenix Suns Timberwolves Mavericks

The narrative around the Phoenix Suns are that the trades and roster moves they’ve made over the last 18 months have left them screwed but the Minnesota Timberwolves and Dallas Mavericks prove they aren’t.

You may be asking how and the answer is simple. Last May they both were in similar situations to the Suns. Having made major trades with championship hopes that were dashed before the calendar even turned to June. 

Despite both their fan bases and the national media questioning every move that lead them there like trading for Rudy Gobert and Kyrie Irving, they’re now both knocking on the door of the NBA Finals.

Sound familiar? 

Just because you’re not happy about an unceremonious first round exit, that doesn’t mean the trade for Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal won’t bear fruit. 

Here’s why the Timberwolves and Mavericks prove Phoenix Suns aren’t screwed

Want more takes from Espo? Follow him on X @Espo and hear him on the @PHNX_Suns show.


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